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Grading Policies
Grading Policies
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota retains the right to change any policies at any time. Please refer to the current course catalog for a full list of university academic policies.
Undergraduate College Students
Mid-term and final grades are available to students online through their online account.
The grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the total number of credits attempted.
In order to evaluate the overall quality of course work, a system of grade points is used. The number of grade points earned in a given course is the number of credits for that course multiplied by the grade point corresponding to the grade earned in that course, as follows:
Grade Grade Points Achievement Level
A 4.0 Excellent
AB 3.5
B 3.0 Very Good
BC 2.5
C 2.0 Satisfactory
CD 1.5
D 1.0 Minimal Pass
F 0.0 Failure
I 0.0 Incomplete
P N/A Pass (A, AB, B, BC, C)
NC 0.0 No Credit (CD, D, F)
AU N/A Audit
W N/A Withdrawal (prior to mid-term of course)
The incomplete “I” may be given by an instructor only when the student is passing the course and an event occurs that is beyond the student’s control (i.e., hospitalization, death in the immediate family, etc.) that precludes the student from completing the required work. A student or caregiver must request an “I” grade. The assignment of an incomplete grade must be approved by the office of the academic dean from the school of the student’s declared major or from the dean of student success if no major has been declared.
It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the instructor to determine a plan for completing the required work for the course. This work must be completed and the “I” grade replaced by a letter grade within four weeks after the beginning of the next regular semester (fall and spring semesters). If this is not done, the “I” grade will be changed to an F grade. If this failing grade results in a GPA which is below the academic standards of the university, the academic warnings and penalties will apply, even though a new semester has already begun. Requests for an extension must be made to the office of the academic dean from the school of the student’s declared major or from the dean of student success if no major has been declared, within the first three weeks of the semester. Incompletes are never granted to allow a student further time to improve a grade after the semester has ended. The way to improve an undesirable grade is to repeat the course at Saint Mary’s University.
If an instructor discovers an error in a student’s final grade, an amended grade report is filed in the registrar’s office. The change of grade must be filed within one semester of the date of the original grade submission. Changes of grades cannot be made on the basis of work done after the end of the semester. The way to improve a grade of F or NC is to repeat the course at Saint Mary’s University. In most cases, only the instructor concerned may change a grade. Grades may be lowered after the end of the semester in cases of cheating or plagiarism.
Any grade change that results in a change of a student’s placement on an academic penalty, dean’s list, or honors at graduation will be handled by the registrar and appropriate designations will be made to the student’s record.
If a student believes that an incorrect grade has been given, the student should consult with the instructor. If the instructor refuses to change the grade, the student may consult the department chair of the course. The chair will attempt to mediate the matter with the student and the instructor. If the matter is not resolved through the intervention of the chair, the student may appeal to the dean where the course is housed.
Grades earned as a result of the academic dishonesty policy cannot be further appealed.
Graduate and Bachelor’s Degree Completion Students
Instructors assign letter grades based on student performance. The grade in a course represents the extent to which the learning objectives have been demonstrated by the student. Factors other than those in the student learning objectives and/or about which instruction has not been provided as part of the course may not be considered in the calculation of the grade, unless these are provided in a prerequisite course or are required for admission to the program. Academic and professional performance issues that are not in the student learning objectives may be communicated to the students through measures other than the course grade.
Grades will be posted within 14 calendar days of the last scheduled class session. Grades for doctoral courses will be posted within 30 calendar days of the last scheduled class session.
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota uses a grade point system to evaluate the overall quality of coursework. The number of grade points earned in a given course is the number of credits for that course multiplied by the quality point corresponding to the grade recorded in that course, as shown below.
The grades of A, AB, B, BC, C, CD, D, F, WF, and X are all used in the calculation of the undergraduate grade point average. All undergraduate courses (except PLA credits) are graded on the following scale. Only grades of D and above are acceptable for credit.
Grade Achievement Level Quality Points
A 95-100% of points 4.0
AB 90-94% of points 3.5
B 85-89% of points 3.0
BC 80-84% of points 2.5
C 75-79% of points 2.0
CD 70-74% of points 1.5
D 60-69% of points 1.0
F Fewer than 60% of points 0.0
I/grade Incomplete/current grade 0.0
P Pass (A, AB, B, BC, C) N/A
NC No Credit (CD, D, F) 0.0
AU Audit N/A
W Withdrawal (prior to mid-term of course) N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
X Unauthorized withdrawal which computes as F in GPA 0.0
The grades of A, B, C, NC, WF and X are all used in the calculation of the graduate grade point average.
Grade Achievement Level Quality Points
A 90-100% of points 4.0
B 80-89% of points 3.0
C 70-79% of points 2.0
NC Fewer than 70% of points No Credit 0.0
I/grade Incomplete/current grade 0.0
P Pass (A, B) N/A
W Withdrawal (prior to mid-term of course) 0.0
WF Withdrawal (after mid-term of course) N/A
AU Audit N/A
IP Course in Progress N/A
X Unauthorized withdrawal which computes as F in GPA 0.0
The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may or may not be given by the instructor at the student’s request when the required work is not completed. The student must submit a written request to the instructor prior to the final class session. In addition, the student must contact the instructor to ascertain what work remains to be done. The instructor must report on the official grade roster the grade “I” followed by the grade that the student will receive if the coursework is not completed within 60 calendar days of the last day of the class (e.g. I/NC or I/C or I/B). Submission of the grade of “I” without the corresponding letter grade will be treated as an I/NC. If the required work is completed in the specified time, the instructor will report a single final grade to the registrar. That grade will replace the I/grade, the incomplete will be removed, and the grade point average will be recomputed accordingly. Otherwise, the provisional grade which was assigned along with the “I” will become a permanent part of the transcript. A request for an extension beyond 60 calendar days must be submitted, in writing, to the program director. The program director, after conferring with the instructor, may or may not grant the extension. If an extension is approved, a new deadline must be established. Students receiving incompletes in prerequisite courses will be administratively withdrawn from the subsequent course if the incomplete is not resolved at least one week prior to the start of the course.
The IP grade is reserved for courses that are designated to run across semesters where the student is required to complete a defined number of hours such as a practicum or internship. This grade is assigned at the end of the first semester and prior to completion of work. An IP grade should not extend beyond one year.
Changes of grade cannot be made on the basis of work done after the final grade has been submitted. If instructors discover errors in grades they have reported, an amended grade report must be filed with the registrar. The same process is followed when incompletes are resolved. Any change of grade should be filed shortly after the student’s submission of completed work and grading. A student who grieves a grade must do so within 15 calendar days of the posting of the final grade.
A process has been developed to address a concern that a student may have regarding a course grade. The student’s appeal must be based on grounds other than his or her subjective disagreement with the instructor’s evaluation of his or her work.
The student must discuss the matter with the course instructor within 15 calendar days of the grade being posted on the student’s academic record. The instructor may request that the student provide a written explanation that justifies the need for a change of grade.
If the student feels that a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student must discuss the matter with his or her program director within 15 calendar days after meeting with the instructor. The student must provide written justification of the need for a change of grade plus copies of all supporting documents to the program director. The program director will attempt to resolve the issue between the student and course instructor. The program director informs the student of the outcome in writing, within 15 calendar days of meeting with the student. If the student feels that a satisfactory resolution has not been achieved, the student must forward a written statement describing the grievance, a copy of the written decision by the program director and all supporting documents to the School Dean or designee within 15 calendar days of receiving the program director’s decision. The School Dean or designee attempts to resolve the issue. The School Dean informs the student of the outcome in writing, within 15 calendar days of receiving the written grievance and supporting documents from the student. The Academic Dean represents the final level of appeal. If the student feels that a satisfactory resolution has not been achieved, the student must forward a written statement describing the grievance, a copy of the written decision by the program director and School Dean and all supporting documents to the Academic Dean within 15 calendar days of receiving the School Dean’s decision. If the Academic Dean rules in favor of the student and the faculty member is not in agreement, the Academic Dean may not change the grade other than to assign a grade of P (Pass) or W (Withdrawal).
When students withdraw from the university, grades of IP will be changed to W (Withdrawal); grades of I/grade will be changed to the grade given by the instructor in the event that the work is not finished (see I/grade policy).